Development Server

Once Stockpile is installed on your machine, you may proceed to running a development instance to test and tinker with.

Simply execute the stockpile server -dev command:

$ stockpile server -dev
==> Stockpile Configuration

   Server Address:
          Version: 2.0+git-4f4954f
      Commit Hash: 4f4954f96ebe83f1276e889b37c50b1283dee479
        Log Level: info
  Storage Backend: mem
              PID: 15572

==> TTL Configuration

           Names: 888h0m0s
         Profile: 168h0m0s
    Name History: 180h0m0s
       Blacklist: 168h0m0s

12:17:06.704 [WARN] stockpile :  Stockpile is running in development mode
12:17:06.704 [WARN] plugin :  plugins are unavailable on platform windows - Plugin manager startup has been skipped
12:17:06.704 [INFO] stockpile :  using database plugin: mem
12:17:06.704 [INFO] stockpile :  grpc server enabled
12:17:06.704 [WARN] stockpile :  legacy api enabled
12:17:06.704 [INFO] stockpile :  web ui enabled

The actual output of the command may differ slightly depending on the platform on which you are running the application or its respective version.

Note that Stockpile does not fork (e.g. will stay in foreground). Thus you will need to open another terminal (or a tab if supported) to execute any commands as of this point.

Verifying the Server State

In order to verify whether the server is correctly running (and listening for commands), you may execute the stockpile status command:

$ stockpile status
Key            | Value
Brand          | vanilla
Version        | 2.0
VersionFull    | 2.0+git-4f4954f
CommitHash     | 4f4954f96ebe83f1276e889b37c50b1283dee479
BuildTimestamp | 1531045291

Again, your command output may differ slightly.

You are additionally encouraged to open the web interface at http://localhost:36623 in your favourite browser as it provides valuable feedback while developing applications against Stockpile and further illustrates the inner workings of the application.

Next Steps

You may now move on to the next section.