Storage Backend

Storage backends are registered with the plugin context using the RegisterStorageBackend function. Each storage backend requires a factory method which takes a set of arbitrary user properties and converts them into an implementation of

For instance:

package main

import (

type myStorageBackend struct {
  logger *logging.Logger
  cfg    *MyStorageBackendConfig

type MyStorageBackendConfig struct {
  myparam string `hcl:"my-param,attr"`

func NewRedisStorageBackend(cfg *server.Config) (storage.StorageBackend, error) {
  myCfg := &MyStorageBackendConfig{}
  diag := gohcl.DecodeBody(cfg.Storage.Parameters, nil, myCfg)
  if diag.HasErrors() {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal backend configuration: %s", diag.Error())

  return &myStorageBackend{
    logger: logging.MustGetLogger("my-backend"),
    cfg: myCfg,    
  }, nil

// ...

For more information on the methods within the StorageBackend interface, please refer to the definition within the source distribution.