Acquiring Logs
Applicable to

Sometimes you may be asked to acquire the application logs for further debugging and tracing of issues. Beacon writes these logs to a special directory on your system disk by default. The logs are typically stored within the following paths (in accordance with yoru respective operating system):

  • Windows - %APPDATA%\Beacon\log
  • *NIX - /home/<user>/.beacon/log

Typically, these paths may be accessed simply via your respective system's file explorer.

Log files are split per application launch (thus causing multiple files to be present within the directory in most cases). The latest (or current) application launch will always write its log messages into the file titled latest.log. Older launches are stored within the files titled lantern.log.1 through lantern.log.10. Please refer to the modification dates when asked to provide older logs.

When the application is working - Step by Step

If the application starts up as expected (e.g. you can get to the Main Window and all following screens within the following steps), you may simply access the logs as follows:

  1. Select "Settings"
  2. Select "Troubleshooting" in the sidebar on the left
  3. "Select "Show Logs"

This should result in a file explorer window opening at the location of the log files. If this is not the case, please verify that your system's file explorer has been configured properly.

When the application is not working - Step by Step
For Windows Users

If the application fails to launch or crashes prior to reaching the troubleshooting menu, you may also access the logs directly via your system's file explorer.

  1. Launch a File Explorer at any location (for instance, your documents or user directory)
  2. Click the address bar (which should currently be displaying the location of the chosen initial directory)
  3. Enter %APPDATA%\Beacon\log

Similarly to the normal access path, your file explorer should now display all prior log files.

Regarding "No such directory" errors
If, for any reason, your file explorer reports that the given path does not exist on the filesystem, this most commonly indicates a launch failure related to your Java installation. Please refer to the Java Troubleshooting section in this case.

When the application is not working - Step by Step
For Linux Users

If the application fails to launch or crashes prior to reaching the troubleshooting menu, you may also access the logs directly via your system's file explorer.

  1. Launch a File Explorer at any location (for instance, your documents or user directory)
  2. Navigate to your home directory (typically /home/<user>; may also be accessible via a dedicated shortcut)
  3. If there is no directory called .beacon, press Ctrl + H
  4. Enter the .beacon directory
  5. Enter the log directory

Similarly to the normal access path, your file explorer should now display all prior log files.

Regarding "No such directory" errors
If, for any reason, your file explorer reports that the given path does not exist on the filesystem, this most commonly indicates a launch failure related to your Java installation. Please refer to the Java Troubleshooting section in this case.